python 去水印
# 环境配置
笔者环境:win10 专业版, python3.8.0
- 官方文档:【可能需要魔法】
pip install ez_setup
pip install moviepy
# 添加图片水印
1 |
# 报错
RuntimeError: The current Numpy installation ('C:\\Users\\zrail\\.conda\\envs\\py380\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\') fails to pass a sanity check due to a bug in the windows runtime. See this issue for more information:
- 使用搜索引擎找到解决方案,切换 numpy 版本,链接:
# 添加文字水印
1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# 报错
- `OSError: MoviePy Error: creation of None failed because of the following error:
[WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。.
.This error can be due to the fact that ImageMagick is not installed on your computer, or (for Windows users) that you didn't specify the path to the ImageMagick binary in file, or that the path you specified is incorrect`
- 翻译报错信息并使用搜索引擎找到解决方案,链接:
- 安装 ImageMagick,并修改源码链接: